Quess Corp Investor Other Information

Careworks Foundation

Careworks Foundation (CWF), established in 2014, is the CSR arm of Quess Corp. CWF is a non-profit initiative with a vision to actively contribute to the welfare of the community and create a positive impact in the lives of people. Through its focus on healthcare and education, CWF aims to build a healthy & educated workforce and thereby provides a sustainable livelihood for the marginalized sections of the society.

School Enhancement Programme

CWF School Enhancement Programme is the flagship education initiative of the Careworks Foundation aimed at the holistic development of government schools. Its objective is to support quality education for underprivileged children, with special emphasis on education for girls and children from marginalized communities. It includes:

School Environment Programme

Proactive general, dental and eye camps to ensure the general well-being of students

Health Programme

CWF organises general, dental, and eye camps to ensure the general well-being of students. In FY 2016-17, CWF health programmes covered 2,000 children and treated major dental issues.

Stakeholder Engagement

School Mapping is a tool to understand the efficacy of existing facilities, and to undertake improvement measures required to bring positive change, involving all stakeholders.


Working with 30 schools, 6000 children and 200 teachers at present.